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Cyfyx Soc Security Operation Centre (MDR)

Cyfyx Soc Security Operation Centre (MDR)
cyfyx soc security operation centre

A Cost-Effective SOC Security Operation Centre

To protect your Endpoints from Advanced Attacks!

Cyfyx offers Managed Detection and Response service that provides both Pre and post infection protection capabilities backed by a dedicated team of security analyst to provide the ultimate protection against ransomware, data tampering and exfiltration.

Many organisations lack the staff, budget and the expertise required to detect and respond to advanced threats. With our SOC security operation centre, our team of experts reviews and analyzes every alert, take actions to keep you secured and provides detailed recommendations on remediation and next steps for IT administrators.

At Cyfyx we cut through the noise in securing the endpoint and focus on what is truly important: preventing the consequences of a cyber-attack in real time, namely data theft and tampering.

It is clear that prevention alone is failing and intrusions into networks are inevitable. Our goal is to focus on the end result of preventing any kind of damage as a result of an advanced attack that gets past the preventative controls.

Our SOC platform blocks any data-related malicious activity in real time, regardless of the type of threat or attack vector. It also provides forensic teams with evidence of all stopped attacks, so remediation can follow the clear-cut evidence without being buried in questionable alerts and indicators.

Cyfyx SOC Features

    • Architecture And Planning
    • Installation And Deployment
    • Environment Tuning
    • Prevention Mode Migration
    • Project Manager
    • Training

Cyfyx Managed Services allows any organization to defeat even the most advanced attacks by shouldering the burden of finding, hiring, training and managing technical cyber security specialists to manage your environment for you. Our team of experts reviews and analyzes every alert, takes actions to keep you secure based on your risk profile and provides detailed recommendations on remediation and next steps for your incident responders and IT administrators.

Cyfyx’s offerings come in three flavors depending on the customer requirements. Irrespective of the choice Cyfyx provides one on one comprehensive training and assistance with deployment.

SOC Security Operation Centre - the Pros

Customer Managed, Least Expensive

The customer is responsible for management of the entire platform including all the tuning, forensic analysis, event handling and alert management. Customer is responsible for remediation and containment. Additional services can be purchased on an hourly basis.

Co-Managed, Most Popular

Cyfyx jointly manages the platform with the customer. Cyfyx is responsible for the initial tuning. Customer handles most of the forensic analysis and can escalate forensic analysis to Cyfyx at no additional cost. Cyfyx will assist with remediation and containment.

Cyfyx Managed, Most Comprehensive

Cyfyx takes over the complete management of the platform including tuning, forensic analysis, event handling and alert management on behalf of the customer, occasionally reaching out to confirm certain actions. Cyfyx will assist with remediation and containment.