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Trend Worry Free Business Services

Trend Worry Free Business Services

Trend Micro Worry-Free™ Business Security Services

Trend Micro Worry-Free™ Business Security Services is hosted security software. You do not need to incur the cost of deploying and managing a server locally. Instead, the management platform is hosted and maintained in Trend Micro's in-house European data centre. This makes it very easy for you because Trend do the maintenance, enabling you to concentrate on your core business, saving IT costs. Open Seas or you can do the management & deployment.

The security software is updated automatically. You do not need to schedule any resources or additional budget for this purpose.

Protect Your Business Data

Whether it's on PCs, Macs, Android or iOS devices—Worry-Free™ Business Security Services lets you protect your data from online threats, such as viruses and spyware. For example, a special feature enables you to lock down Intuit Quickbooks’ files and folders, assuring you that financial and confidential business data is secure.

USB Device Protection and Control

Viruses are often transmitted to business computers or laptops via USB sticks. Worry-Free™ business security software reliably blocks threats originating
from USB devices.

Worry-Free™ Services also enables you to control whether employees are allowed to copy data from USB storage to their business devices, for example access can be limited to read-only.

Manage Employee Access and Devices

If you are concerned about certain websites reducing employee productivity, you can limit which websites your employees can access.

You can block your employees from ever accessing inappropriate websites, with the additional flexibility to prevent access to non-business related
websites certain times of the day, for example, block access to social media sites and sports pages at all times apart from working hours and lunchtimes.

Worry-Free™ Services also provides the peace of mind that if your employees leave your employment or lose their mobile or tablet you can remotely block
and wipe the device, therefore removing any sensitive company information.

World-class Internet Security, without comprising performance

Trend Micro Worry-Free™ Services stops threats in the cloud, before they can reach your business’ network or devices, so your business is protected, but not slowed down. This is facilitated by Trend Micro’s smart protection network. Every day this early warning system gathers millions of pieces of threat data, analyses them and prevents threats from accessing your computer and infiltrating your business.

Worry-Free™ Services also enables you to control whether employees are allowed to copy data from USB storage to their business devices, for example access can be limited to read-only.

Worry-Free Services is a SAAS solution which means that you do not need a server on your premises to host the software and all software updates and patches are done automatically by Trend Micro ensuring there is no maintenance required by you.

Simple Control and Hosting

You can then utilise a centralised management console to:

  • Manage protected devices
  • Set policies
  • Enable url filtering

Prevents Business Interruption

Worry-Free Business Security protects small business users and assets from data loss & viruses helping prevent any disruption to your day to day business. Powered by the Trend Micro Smart Protection Network Worry-Free Business Security:

  • Stops threats in the cloud – before they can reach your network and devices.
  • Filters URLs – blocks access to inappropriate websites.
      • Protects PC, MAC, Servers, IOS & Android Devices, Point of sale devices & USB drives.
  • Prevents business data from being shared – via USB drives and with added protection to prevent data being shared via email messages.
  • Safeguards against phishing as well as social engineering attacks.
  • Provides you with easy security management.

Acknowledgements and Copyrights

This site is owned and managed by Open Seas (UK) Ltd with Trend Micro content recreated with the express authorisation of Trend Micro United Kingdom & Ireland. Open Seas are an official Trend Micro reseller in the UK.