
Enterprise IT Solutions
IT is a science, service is an art
EFFICACITY We're Open Seas. A technology consulting firm founded on years of industry experience, strategic vision, and an obsessive commitment to customer service.

Open Seas are specialists in business systems from around the world. As a bridge between customers and suppliers, we aim to find the best technical solutions to meet your business needs. We have the ability to offer software that meets your exact requirements, we offer solutions to best fit your needs.
SIMPLICITY No call centres or telephone mazes. Just simple direct access to people who can actually help you. Our network of suppliers and resellers, backed up by our own team of experts and experience, will help to keep your systems up and running.

With 25 years experience, we ensure your software is valuable to your business
- helping improve performance, efficiency, quality, and of course profitability.
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  • Open Seas (UK) Ltd The Old School House, The Causeway, East Hanney Oxfordshire OX12 0JN United Kingdom
  • +44 (0)1235 537391 or USA (650) 590 5448
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Open Seas' MDR service focuses on an attacker's END GOAL and PROTECTS organisations from the consequences of a breach.

Most organisations are currently dealing with at least one of the following challenges

Have a limited budget to implement the full and proper controls they would like in order to stop a cyber-security breach

Not sure if their cyber-security system would be effective enough to help them recover from an unexpected breach

Do not have the appropriate skills in-house to deal with ever increasing modern types of cyber threats

Instead of just looking to prevent the multitule of different attack vectors a bad actor can use, why don't we focus on the conseqences of their actions? There are far fewer of those. 

Dealing with today’s cyber threats requires a fundamentally different approach. One that is multi-layered and offers both pre-infection and post-infection in a single platform.

Unfortunately, antivirus and next-gen antivirus comes up short when it comes to the constantly evolving tactics of these cyber-criminals. Security systems that solely focus on prevention will continue to face the consequences of compromise. Prevention is the first line of defence, it shouldn’t ever be the primary strategy. The reality is that nearly 81% of businesses don’t have a proper system in place to self-detect a data breach, so how can they expect to respond properly?

We have to come to grips with the world we live in. Compromise is inevitable, but the consequences don’t have to be.

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) has been a huge tool when it comes to end point protection, but when it’s reliant on an extensive security team to utilise it, it can be a lot for a business to handle.

So, what next? Is your business either left blind to these dangerous threats or burdened by the weight of dealing with them?

So Let's Change the Approach

Prevention alone as a strategy is failing. The attack vector are infinite and constantly evolving, keeping up with them is a losing battle. Doing the same thing over and over again is not going to change the outcome.

Don’t worry about infiltration. While the cyber security market is focused on preventing the infiltration, we believe if you stop the consequences then you’ve already won.

If you block the data theft or tampering, then you have plenty of time to work backwards. While everyone else is watching the entrance we’re guarding the exit so your data doesn’t leave.